by Jahmal Henderson
Saturday afternoon the Recovery for all Coalition with AFSCME
workers, Unidad Latina en Accion (ULA), the Western Connecticut
Labor Federation and others gathered at the Hamden Department of
Labor (DOL) offices. The rally demanded a fully funded DOL that can
support the struggling workers facing wage theft and the need for
unemployment compensation due to massive job losses during COVID-19.
A better investment in the DOL will ensure our state and its workers a better standard of living. Equal rights for domestic workers, a fair tax system for the working class and healthcare for all were addressed during the rally through powerful stories told by immigrant, low-wage female workers.
Nora Garcia stressed the importance of domestic/essential worker and the key role they play in everyday life. "We are important workers who are just as important as doctors and legislators, we care for the professionals gardens, houses, children, elders and we have rights. We do the work that makes all other work possible," she said.
Wanda Eza, member/leader of ULA for 15 years, spoke about how she and her husband are both essential workers who clean the hospital. They were exposed to COVID-19 and both got sick. They were excluded from obtaining unemployment benefits, Husky medical insurance and stimulus checks because they are migrant workers even though they pay taxes and work two jobs because their wages aren't enough. Undocumented Immigrants in Connecticut pay four million dollars in taxes a year. They are essential frontline workers but have no rights.
Eza also mentioned the fight at the state legislature this year to pass HB 6537 to expand paid sick days to all workers, as the crowd chanted "The people united will never be defeated!!" holding signs that said "Poor People Demand Justice" and "Economic Relief for all Undocumented Workers."
The Hamden American Job Center parking lot was filled with labor leaders in solidarity from AFSCME Local 269 whose members work at the DOL. Vice president Ed Hawthorne demanded dignity and respect for low wage undocumented workers who are owed money for the work they preformed.
AFSCME 269 secretary Steven Worveicki, a 27 year employee with the DOL in Waterbury, said before 2015 there were two call centers that employed about 80 people to answer phones and file unemployment claims offering excellent service to the public. Soon after 2015, 120 employees were laid off and five phone centers were closed permanently due to budget cuts. Now during the pandemic things have gotten even worse at the DOL, making it difficult for the workers to serve the people and their needs.
Rev. Gini King spoke about increasing funding for DOL to support immigrant workers, fair wages and lower taxes for working families.
A disabled immigrant worker spoke about how a drunk driver ran him over leaving him without a leg. He is now disabled and needs medical care the rest of his life. He has no health insurance and zero support from the state, Over 200,000 people in Connecticut are without health insurance.
"Healthcare should be affordable for all, it shouldn't be about how much money you have or your immigration status," he said.
he and his friends tried to organize a union at the factory where he
worked in Branford the boss threatened them by calling immigration.
He believes in a higher moral law that will grant rights to the
workers as long as they keep fighting for justice.
for all leader Puya Gerami ended the rally by telling the crowd how
Connecticut is the richest state in the richest country but the most
unequal and segregated with 30% of Black and/Latino children living
below the poverty line and with immigrant workers denied benefits
even though they pay taxes.
The Recovery for All coalition is organizing messages to the State Legislature in support of HB 6187 and SB 821 that will raise $3 billion in taxes from billionaires who pay a much lower tax rate than everyone else. The added revenue could fully fund the Department of Labor and other vital services for the community, as well as provide living wages and benefits to state workers including home care and other low wage workers.
Sat May 1 at noon at the Governor's Mansion, Hartford. Recovery for All Coalition picket and action to demand increased services and worker benefits with revenue from taxing the wealthiest their fair share..
Sat May 1 9 am to 5 pm at Prospect and Grove St New Haven. Paint Yale: Respect New Haven on the street.
Sat May 1 noon to 4 pm on the New Haven Green. Unidad Latina en Accion tabling and speeches
Sat May 1 at 4 pm from the New Haven Green. Unidad Latina en Accion May Day March through downtown New Haven
Sat May 2 at 4 pm virtual. Register Now CT People's World May Day rally: May Day 2021: Workers of the Workd United for an Equitable Recovery for All. Panel, Slide Show. Music. Actions.
Wed May 5 at 5 pm at Prospect and Grove Sts, New Haven. Yale unions and allies demand respect for the union and the New Haven community. Social distancing, masks, and all other necessary safety precautions will be followed. When we fight together, we win.
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