Friday, August 20, 2021

Backyard Multi-Cultural Celebration to be held at Peoples Center

A multi-cultural celebration and re-opening from the pandemic is being held by the New Haven Peoples Center on Saturday August 28 from 2 to 6 pm.

The celebration will highlight the hard work over the last 18 months during the pandemic, and look forward to renewed activities and organizing to expand racial and economic justice and social needs and peace..

The event will feature Capoeira Esperanza and a drum circle with Brian Jarawa Gray, performances by Ice the Beef and spoken word by Baub Bidon, Catherine Wicks and others. A demonstration of tortilla making and tacos will be on hand. Soft drinks and snacks will be available. Guests are asked to bring some food for a pot luck. A grill will be available for use.

The Peoples Center, located at 37 Howe Street in New Haven, has been the site of food distributions and rental assistance to the immigrant community by Unidad Latina en Accion for the last 18 months.

Immigrants without documents and their family members have been excluded from all governent pandemic relief. After a strong demand placed by immigrant organizations across the state including the Semilla Collective, CT Students for a Dream and the Connecticut Immigrant Rights Alliance, a special Connecrticut fund was set up to make pandemic relief available to immigrant families regardless of status.

During these months, the Peoples Center Jobs and Unemployed Committee has provided information about benefits won in the American Rescue Plan including pandemic unemployment funds, extending rent and foreclosure moratoriums, providing rent and utility relief, the child tax credit and direct stimulus payments.

Recovery Act funds are available for tenants who were unable to pay rent due to the pandemic both through the State’s UniteCT rental assistance program and in New Haven through the program CASTLE. Landlords are required to go through the Unite CT process before they can start eviction proceedings. Tenants are now entitled to legal counsel in housing court.

Food insecurity, and racism in health, housing and employment were all exposed during the pandemic. The Jobs and Unemployed Committee is helping organize for larger and transformative rescue packages before Congress.

Most recently, President Biden acted to increate SNAP benefits. State Rep Juan Candelaria annoucned that “Starting in October, SNAP benefits will rise an average of 25 percent—a permanent change that will benefit our nation's 42 million SNAP beneficiaries. As a result, the average SNAP benefit – excluding additional funds provided as part of pandemic relief – will increase by $36.24 per person, per month, beginning October 1, 2021.

“This additional assistance will help individuals and families maintain a healthy diet and keep food on the table both during and after these uncertain times.

Click here to learn more about Connecticut's SNAP program, including information on how to apply for food assistance.”

For more information about the Backyard Multi-Cultural Celebration or the Jobs and Unemployed Committee contact or leave a message at 203-624-8664.

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