Wednesday, October 20, 2021

Naugatuck Elections Break Barriers


For the first time, people of color are on the ballot for the Board of Mayor and Burgess in Naugatuck. This diversity is no accident.

Let’s back up a bit.

The January 6th attempt by the extreme right at overthrowing the people’s 2020 vote was thwarted. The Biden/Harris election to President and vice-president respectfully was confirmed. It was costly in lives and trauma to the body politic. The struggle now turns to the local level and elections.

In Naugatuck, the political dam was breached by the eleven hundred strong George Floyd march from the green to the police station in June of 2020. Riding, in part, the Nov. Biden/Harris election and with strong union support, organizer George Cabrera (D) ousted George Logan (R) for a State Senate seat. The latter opposed the Police Accountability Act, passed eventually by the State Assembly in Hartford.

Naugatuck youth continued the momentum forward. In the winter of this year, they walked out of the high school. This was in protest to the racist remarks by the police chief’s daughter. The local high school Sunrise Hub environmental group continued the struggle. They joined in coalition with a new environmental group, Friends of Fulling Mill Brook, to protect this vital stream leading to the Naugatuck River.

As is often the case, danger and opportunity appear in the same arena.

Following Steve Bannon’s dictum to take over school boards, two extreme right candidates have their hats in the ring. One refused to wear a mask at a youth sponsored event and had to be removed from the scene. Another declared equity should not be a school board goal. There are being met by a strong, diverse pro-education slate.

Among Burgess candidates, one Republican was at the Jan.6th rally and march on the Capital. Fortunately, a diverse, strong field of forward-looking candidates, led by Shagufta Zahid, are taking on the challenges. Ms Zahid, with five years of experience on Naugatuck’s conservation commission and program director of the strong Gunntown environmental group, is leading the charge. She is the only candidate putting forward a proposal for a town climate / refugee committee, and doing voter education to make it happen.

The lesson is clear on the local level. Stay woke! Stay active!

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