Wednesday, April 27, 2022

"Art Perlo Presente" Launches on May Day in Solidarity with Workers' Rights and Peace

In celebration of May Day, a website that promises to contribute to building working class power will be launched by the Connecticut People's World on Sunday May 1 at 6:30 pm at the New Haven Peoples Center, 37 Howe Street and live streamed at .

“Art Perlo Presente – Carrying the Legacy Forward – People, Peace and Planet before Profits,” will feature the writings, videos, organizing, recipes, photos and tributes to Art Perlo who passed away on December 18, 2021.

At a time when all democratic rights are under attack and the future of the planet hangs in the balance, Art's writings over decades as an activist and Marxist economist provide a valuable resource and guide to building unity in the multi-racial working class struggles for a just society.

The writings and videos reflect his participation in organizing Local 34 Unite Here clerical and technical workers union at Yale, his consistent leadership in the community for equity and to tax the rich, and in the Connecticut Communist Party and nationally for an end to exploitation, racism and war..

The International Workers Day event will feature clips from three videos on the website: the Black History Youth March dedicated to Art, the 30th anniversary of Local 34 and May Day Around the World 2021 which Art produced.

The gathering will stand in solidarity with current struggles of essential workers for a living wage and fair scheduling, graduate teachers demanding union recognition at Yale, demands for immigrant workers rights, and in celebration of victories won by state workers (SEBAC) and Amazon workers in Staten Island.

Following the website launch, participants will view “United to Fightback,” the People's World national May Day celebration including music and international solidarity messages.

The event will kick off organizing for the June 18 Mass Poor People’s & Low-Wage Workers’ Assembly and Moral March on Washington and to the Polls led by Rev William Barber.

The national march will demand an end to poverty and call for investments in human needs, racial justice, mitigation of climate change and an end to the war economy..

To make reservations on the Peoples Center bus contact or leave a message at 203-624-8664.

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