Wednesday, June 22, 2022

Poor People's Assembly Gives Hope for the Fight Ahead


by Jahmal Henderson

On June 18, I took the Peoples Center bus to Washington D.C to join thousands in The Poor People’s & Low-Wage Workers’ Assembly. The rally was held to call attention to the interlocking crises of poverty, racism, the war economy and ecological devastation affecting poor and low-income people, including myself.

The diverse Connecticut group of 100 young and older activists, union workers, and Communist Party members all shared one common bond – the effects of poverty and its inequalities that touch each of us in different aspects daily.

It was my first time going to Washington D.C. I was very excited to see and learn, knowing I was a part of history by carrying on the legacy of Rev. Dr Martin King Jr's Poor People’s Campaign.

On our way we held a discussion about “what made you come?” I thought deeply of Newhallville, my home, the challenges we’ve been facing, and the battles we’ve overcome, from high crime, to equal housing, jobs, gun violence, police relations, to healthcare, that stem from systemic racism and poverty. Being in the fight only gave me a clearer sense of why I was taking this trip.

In Washington DC we joined thousands of clergy, union leaders, activists near the U.S. Capitol. Rev. William J. Barber II and an array of speakers spoke about topics like voting rights, immigration reform, abortion rights, labor rights, climate change, gun violence, housing, LGBTQ rights and the need to cut the military budget. This vast array of energy made me more appreciative of the Poor Peoples Campaign fighting all systematic injustices head on.

As the rally came to a close I looked around at the crowd thinking “what am I going to do when I get home?” Those thoughts circled back to two words “The Fight”, the fight for the change my ancestors and elders fought,  the fight for the youth and their future. That Saturday in Washington D.C. reassured me we’re all fighters for justice for the people, and we must continuee pushing forward.

As we rode back to Connecticut, we shared the day’s wonderful events, and made a promise to stand together to keep the Poor Peoples Campaign message alive in our communities, to get out the vote and fight the inequalities of poverty and injustice we face today.

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