Wednesday, July 13, 2022

Justice for Randy Cox Demands Police Accountability

An outpouring of support for the family of Randy Cox has emerged as a powerful community-wide movement in New Haven. The hope is that the case becomes a national catalyst for police accountability, health care Miranda rights, and an end to racist police culture.

Cox, 36, is hospitalized and paralyzed after his head slammed into the back wall of a police van during a sudden stop. There were no seat belts. Despite Cos's calls for help, the arresting officer continued to drive to lockup where Cox's cry “Help I can't move” was cruelly dismissed. He may never be able to move again.

His family, the CT NAACP and State Rep Robyn Porter, called in national civil rights attorney Ben Crump. Following a packed mass meeting, New Haven's new police chief Karl Jacobson and Mayor Justin Elicker instituted policies requiring seat belts for all transport; health care Miranda rights requiring arresting officers to ask if medical attention is needed at the time of arrest and wait for medics to arrive..

The family says this is not enough. They want the five officers involved fired, arrested, and facing federal charges on the basis of violation of his fourth, eighth and sixteenth amendment rights.

Hundreds turned out for a march, gathering at Dixwell and Ashmun Streets in front of the newly built Stetson Library at the Q House and led by the CT NAACP, the Cox family, Crump and Black Lives Matter organizer Tamika Mallory..

During the two mile walk, marchers chanted “ If I say my neck is broke, Don’t take it as a joke”, and “No Justice No Peace, No Racist Police.” Voices from the young to the old rang out in the New Haven streets. Other community supporters including the Newhall Communist Party Club held signs saying “Justice For Randy Cox.”

When the crowd arrived at police headquarters, Cox’s family, Crump, and elected officials all took to the steps and spoke on the police inhumanity and the justice they are seeking. Family members said Randy watched the rally by livestream from the hospital, with tears coming down his face, as the crowd shouted in solidarity.

A required state police investigation is underway, to be followed by a required Internal Affairs investigation, before action against the officers can be determined.

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