Wednesday, November 16, 2022

Union Organizing Surges, to be Celebrated at Amistad Awards

Union organizing has escalated in Connecticut since the November 8 mid-term election victories.

All summer and fall, labor and community allies worked tirelessly speaking with voters, listening to their concerns, and getting out the vote to reject MAGA Republicans' anti-worker agenda. Two new union leaders were elected to the state legislature and Rep. Jahana Hayes and the entire Congressional delegation was re-elected.

Now, grad workers at Yale University are mobilizing for their own election to win recognition of Unite Here Local 33. They delivered a petition to the NLRB signed by 3,000 of the 4.000 grad workers. For the first time in 30 years, the University is not blocking the election process.

Baristas at Starbucks are pressing forward for union recognition and a contract. A national Solidarity “Sip In” will be held on Saturday November 19 at the 250 stores where union elections have been won, including at the Corbins Corner West Hartford store from 9 am to 3 pm.

Both the grad student workers at Yale and the unionized Starbucks baristas will be featured “In Solidarity” at the People's World Amistad Awards on Saturday, December 10 at 4:00 pm at the historic Dixwell Q House, 197 Dixwell Avenue in New Haven.

Salwa Mogaddedi, courageous leader of Starbucks Workers United at the Vernon store, who has led in organizing her co-workers throughout her cancer treatment, will receive one of three Amistad Awards.

Union leader and climate justice activist Mustafa Salahuddin, president of Amalgamated Transit Union 1336 in Bridgeport and board member of CT Roundtable on Climate and Jobs and CT AFL CIO, will also receive an Amistad Award.

Leslie Blatteau, newly elected president of New Haven Federation of Teachers 933 (AFT CT) will receive an Amistad Award in recognition of her outreach to parents and community and focus on anti-racist curricula and social justice activism over many years.

Special recognition will be presented to Brian Steinberg for his lifetime of commitment and organizing for equality, real democracy and peace in Hartford, in Connecticut and nationally. .

Featured performer will be Jay Hoggard, world renowned jazz vibraphonist and composer blending jazz and gospel with African marimba rhythms.

The event is dedicated to the living legacy of Art Perlo and will celebrate the 2022 election victories and inspire ongoing unity for workers' rights and the rights of all to vote and live in dignity. For more information visit:

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