As the crisis of affordable housing and energy escalates, demands for funds to assist thousands of families worried about how to make it through the winter months moved the legislature to take some action in its special session.
Anger and organizing went into high gear when the promised $1,000 pandemic bonus pay for essential workers who risked their lives was almost cut back due to the lack of funds allocated.
The demand to represent the needs of workers in the special session last week was made clear. As a result the $35 million pandemic pay fund was increased to $105 million. It was announced that the full $1,000 bonus will be coming to everyone who applied and earns less than $50,000. a year.
In a strong statement, Shellye Davis, Executive Vice President of the CT AFL CIO declared ““With a projected multi-billion dollar surplus and the largest Rainy Day Fund our state has ever seen, Gov. Lamont and the legislature need to fully fund the pandemic pay program for essential workers. In fact, this program should be expanded to include municipal essential workers who were left out.”
Assistance for rent, mortgage and utilities for working class families has also been secured, while challenges against utility company rate hikes proceed. During the special legislative session funding for LIHEAP (Low-Income Household Energy Assistance Program) was increased to $127 million to assist residents struggling with heating costs.
The Connecticut Energy Assistance Program, (CEAP,) helps Connecticut residents afford to heat their homes. To apply, visit this link. on-line or contact your local Community Action Agency.
Also starting this month funds have been allocated to restart UniteCT, the eviction prevention program which closed in March. The Department of Housing is also accepting applications for the Rent Bank.
Persistence on the part of those who apply remains necessary due to inadequate staffing to process applications.
Anyone who has been issued a Notice to Quit or any other eviction papers should immediately call Statewide Legal Services at (800) 453-3320 to discuss the case with legal aid, or apply online at: CT Online Application ( Information is also available at: – Providing help to eligible tenants facing eviction or loss of housing subsidy.
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