On Wednesday May 17 from 6 to 7 pm thousands of people are expected to rally at the Capitol for a Moral Budget that invests in addressing the inability of many to make ends meet with $2000 rents and no wage increases while the state enjoys a multi-billion dollar budget surplus, a rainy day fund and the potential for expanding resources by taxing the rich.
The argument from the Governor and legislators that the spending cap limits their ability to deliver is being countered by the grass roots organizations who point out that there are ways to intercept the cap in times of emergency.
With a looming June 7 deadline to negotiate a budget, teachers, health care workers, immigrant organizations, housing groups and many others are sending out an alarm that the budget is falling short of meeting the extreme post-pandemic needs testified to in countless hours-long committee hearings over the past months.
“We cannot allow the spending cap to leave people suffering and block us from building a more equitable Connecticut for all,” they say.
Speaking at the People's World panel celebrating International Workers Day, 1199 group home worker Symone Destin put it bluntly, “I am confused how the richest state in the country could fail to pay caregivers enough to live on so we can do our job well for the most vulnerable.”
The Recovery for All equity agenda includes fully and equitably funding pre K-12 public schools, teachers, paraeducators; public colleges and universities; investing in long-term care and child care; expand Husky to all residents regardless of immigration status; restore and expand the public sector safety net and worker protections like paid sick leave, the minimum wage, and predictive scheduling.
On May 17 in the afternoon prior to the rally at the capitol, a CT AFL CIO lobby day will support a Workers Equity Agenda, while CCAG hosts a lobby day for Senate Bill 4, a comprehensive housing bill that increases tenant protections, affordable housing, and clean energy
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