Thursday, June 29, 2023

CT ARA Awards Luncheon Honors Rep Jane Gariby, Joelle Fishman and Art Perlo

An enthusiastic crowd renewed their commitment to protect and expand Social Security and stand up for the dignity and justice of all retirees during the Connecticut Alliance for Retired Americans (CT ARA) annual awards luncheon held at Central Connecticut State University.

State Rep Jane Garibay accepted the Charlene Block Award, and CT ARA Recording Secretary Joelle Fishman accepted the Kevin Lynch Award on behalf of herself and in honor of Art Perlo.

Kevin Lynch, founding president of CT ARA, presented the award to Joelle, saying it was long overdue. He praised her constant solidarity with workers and social justice struggles and People's World circulation with husband Art Perlo who helped organize Local 34 at Yale 40 years ago and served on the eboard of Yale Unions Retirees Association (YURA) at the time he passed away in December 2021.

The award presentation included a heartfelt appreciation from New Haven Alder Evette Hamilton representing YURA, and a proclamation sent by Congresswoman Rosa DeLauro

As coordinator of CT ARA's founding community affiliate, the New Haven Peoples Center, Joelle told how those early members marched and fought for Social Security, union rights and an end to racial discrimination in the 1930's.

In 2005 Art said bluntly, “Social Security is in danger, not because it is running out of money, but because it is running into vultures who want to kill our retirement security so they can feast on the carcass.”

Now said Joelle in a call to action, “the MAGA Republican vultures circling to kill Social Security depend on divide and conquer tactics. They use race baiting, labor hating and red baiting. So we have to be all about unity and solidarity. This fight can be won if we all stick together.”

The full speech is available at

Presenting the award to Garibay, Amelia Smith praised her community activism and leadership as chair of the Aging Committee to improve adult day centers, and protect seniors in nursing homes and home care.

I never expected to be in the legislature,” Garibay said with a smile. “Now I know this is where I should be.”

Chaired by CT ARA president Bette Marafino, the event opened with remarks by Connecticut AFL CIO leaders Ed Hawthorne and Shellye Davis along with national ARA representatives Tommy McLaughlin and Roger Boudreau.

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