As temperatures cool, the risk of exposure-related injury and illness increases drastically for homeless individuals. In Connecticut, the tenth least affordable state, the homeless population has increased for the second year straight following the expiration of the pandemic-era eviction moratorium in 2021. In response, young activists are organizing a Blanket Drive for New Haven’s homeless population to be held on October 13th, beginning at 12:00PM on the New Haven Green. The drive aims to collect essentials such as warm clothes, toiletries, non-perishable foods, and water in addition to safety items like hand warmers, blankets and first aid in anticipation of the winter months.
“I used to be homeless for 3 years: the most insane 3 years of my life,” writes Kathryn Jupiter, the lead organizer of the event and member of the Young Communist League of New Haven, who became housed in 2017. “I would never forget what I went through and this is why me and a couple of friends are trying to raise money, so we can help the homeless and make sure they have what they need to get housed. Nothing is impossible, the word itself says ‘I’m possible!’” Along with supplies, the drive also aims to distribute a “Know Your Rights” flyer, detailing resources related to eviction prevention, tenants unions, and Connecticut’s Fair Rent Commissions.
As of October 1st 2023, homelessness has officially been declared a public health crisis in Connecticut, where four of the largest cities have some of the highest eviction rates in the country. As corporate landlords seek drastic rent increases for profit, “Housing is a human right” remains a rallying cry for working people throughout the state.
A ten-point emergency “Housing is a Human Right” program issued by the CT Communist Party includes: declare a state of emergency to protect against evictions and foreclosures; a 2.5% annual rent cap; enforcement of anti-discrimination laws on large landlords and lenders; fair rent commissions with standing for tenant unions; increase real estate conveyance taxes and fees on large investors; tax the rich and invest in housing; reallocate funds from the excessive military budget to our communities and green jobs.
Individuals wishing to donate to the drive should contact Kathryn Jupe at 845-793-4239