Wednesday, February 21, 2024

Working Class Demands Resound at the State Capitol

A whirlwind week at the State Capitol brought together an unprecedented collaboration between organizations supporting each other's needs in a quest to win an Equity Agenda for higher public education funding, just cause eviction protections, HUSKY for immigrants, paid sick days and unemployed benefits for striking workers.

Rallies and press conferences, packed hearing rooms and zoom participation marked the week as unions, community and faith groups turned out in numbers and submitted hundreds of testimonies.

On Tuesday afternoon community college and state university students and faculty were joined by Connecticut for All member organizations for a spirited rally before going into the hearing room demanding $250 million in the budget to reverse tuition hikes and fully-fund higher public education.

The Housing Committee began its hearing at 11 am and was still going strong at 11 pm. Dozens of tenants made the case to expand no cause eviction protections to all renters. Legislators were urged to take action against unsafe living conditions and evictions without cause by mega landlords who seek higher rents from the next tenant.

Husky for Immigrants was featured on Wednesday calling for an increase in eligibility from 15 to 18 years old for children to receive HUSKY regardless of immigration status.

Thursday's Labor Committee hearing focused on expanding paid sick days, led by She Leads Justice, and on allowing striking workers to access unemployment benefits after two weeks, led by the CT AFL-CIO.

All of these issues are part of the Equity Agenda of the 60 member Connecticut for All coalition, which calls for taxing wealth and circumventing the spending cap to meet the needs of multi racial working class families.

As the wealthiest state in the country, Connecticut should be a shining example for the nation–a place where every family has what we need to live a good life.  But we have a state where hundreds of thousands of working people are struggling to raise families here, even while a handful of wealthy corporations and wealthy residents are getting even wealthier.,” said CFA.

But it doesn’t have to be that way. Together we have the resources to create a state where every single kid has what they need to get the best start in life.  A place where everyone has good healthcare to lead healthy lives, a good job to support their families, and a safe place to call home. “

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