Three Area Groups to receive Newsmaker Awards
The impact of the economic crisis on workers' lives and the demand for basic change is the theme of this year's May Day celebration of International Workers Day to be held on Sunday, May 3 at 4 pm at the New Haven Peoples Center, 37 Howe Street, New Haven.
The family event, titled “No Cuts – No Layoffs – Tax the Rich,” includes a workers' rights panel, newsmaker awards, music and a presentation of May Day around the world.
Newsmaker Awards will be presented to the public works union in New Haven, UE Local 68-222 for keeping unity among their members against layoffs; the Hispanic Student Union at Naugatuck Valley Community College for mobilizing to keep a soup kitchen in Waterbury from closing; and Health Care for America Now in Connecticut for building a labor-community coalition for universal health care.
Major advances in several countries will be highlighted during a Workers' Rights Panel. Participants include Bill Shortell, president of the Bristol Labor Council, who traveled to Iraq with a delegation from US Labor Against War to witness the formation of a labor federation there. Blair Bertaccini, a leader of AFSCME fromWaterbury, who was an election observer in El Salvador last month will relate the events leading up to the election of pro-socialist Mauricio Funes as president.
New Haven poet and union activist Sharmont Little will report on his trip to Washington DC for the introduction of the Employee Free Choice Act into the U.S. Senate. His remarks will include efforts to organize local labor and community support for this bill which would remove barriers to workers' right to form a union free of harassment or fear of firing.
A unity pledge campaign will be launched to continue building momentum for progressive tax reform by the Connecticut State Legislature in order to preserve much needed human services in our state.
A power point presentation will feature May Day Around the World, “May Day 2009 -- Workers of the World confront the Economic Crisis,” including pictures from mass rallies and strikes in other countries, and the immigrant rights unity march to be held in New Haven on Friday, May 1 at 7 pm on the New Haven Green.
Labor songs will be performed by Frank Panzarella. Children's arts and crafts will be provided. A home made buffet supper will round out the afternoon.
Donation is $5 or what you can afford. Contributions will be accepted for the People's Weekly World fund drive. For information call 203-624-8664
"Labor was the first price, the original purchase-money that was paid for all things. It was not by gold or by silver, but by labor, that all wealth of the world was originally purchased."