We invite you to sign the pledge below calling on the State Legislature to put people’s needs first and tax the rich.
This pledge will be printed in the May Day edition of the People’s Weekly World and launched at the May Day rally and celebration on Sunday May 3 at 4:00 pm at the New Haven Peoples Center, 37 Howe St It will then be presented to elected officials, unions and organizations.
Sign the pledge below and return by Saturday April 25.
e-mail: ct-pww@pobox.com OR mail: PWW / 37 Howe St / New Haven CT 06511
No Cuts – No Layoffs – Tax the Rich
No Cortas - No Despidos - Impuestos a los Ricos
We pledge to stand together and reach out with our unions and community organizations to co-workers, friends, family and neighbors. We call upon the Connecticut Sate Legislature:
The top priority in this economic crisis is to meet the needs of the people! Layoffs of public workers and cuts in basic services will make the crisis even worse, and are unacceptable. Stand firm for a truly progressive tax system. Act to eliminate the state spending cap so the people of Connecticut can receive maximum federal funding.
We commit to keep the grass roots momentum going to close the income gap and secure good jobs with union rights; health care; affordable housing; equal, quality public education, and a clean, safe and peaceful environment for everyone living in our state.
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__ Please add my name to the “No Cuts -No Layoffs-Tax the Rich” pledge to be published in the May Day edition of the People’s Weekly World. Enclosed is a contribution of $_______________ (suggested minimum individuals $10 or what you can afford; suggested for organizations $100 or what you can afford)
___I will attend the May Day Rally / Celebration on Sunday May 3
NAME (as it will appear in print) ________________________________________________________________________
STREET ADDRESS______________________________________________ CITY/STATE/ZIP ____________________
E-MAIL ____________________________________________________________PHONE_________________________
e-mail: ct-pww@pobox.com OR mail: PWW / 37 Howe St / New Haven CT 06511.
checks payable to: Peoples Weekly World
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