Dear Friend,
Health Care for America Now (HCAN) Connecticut Co-Chairs Tom Swan (CCAG Executive Director) and John Olsen (CT AFL-CIO President) need you to come to Washington, DC to lobby the Connecticut Congressional delegation to pass the HCAN and Obama health care reforms that include a public health insurance option!
Transportation will be provided, and you can click here to reserve your space on the bus.
Connecticut has led the nation on health care reform by passing the SustiNet and Healthcare Partnership bills in the CT General Assembly, and now we need to take on Washington!
Join HCAN groups including CCAG, CT State AFL-CIO, AFSCME, healthcare4every1, Organizing for CT, Planned Parenthood of CT, SEIU, United Action of CT, and many others to work for quality, affordable and accessible health care for everybody!
The bus to Washington D.C. is free of charge, and you can click here to reserve yourself a seat.
There will be pickup points in the Hartford, New Haven and Bridgeport areas (exact sites are still being confirmed). More sites may be added to accommodate those who sign up to reserve a seat. Buses will leave the Hartford area at 11:50 PM Wednesday, June 24 and will arrive in Washington, DC at 8:30 AM. There will be lobbying visits, a rally, and a town hall forum to make your voice heard before we leave for Connecticut at 6 PM. Buses will be back around midnight.
For questions or more information, contact me by e-mail or phone (860) 995-3389. To reserve bus space, click here.
See you in D.C.,
John Murphy
CCAG Political Director
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