Interfaith Fellowship to Lead Procession to Governor's Mansion
June 18, 2009
The Interfaith Fellowship for Universal Health Care and allies
Procession from Minutemen Park to Governor's residence to appeal to Governor Rell. The Fellowship is asking that she sign the SustiNet plan into law. SustiNet would establish universal health care in Connecticut.
On this day, in addition to appealing to Connecticut’s Governor, participants of the procession are acting in solidarity with the national mobilization of concerned religious leaders and people of faith around health care for all.
WHERE: a) Assemble at 300 Capitol Avenue, Minutemen Park (in front of Legislative Office Building)
b) Proceed on foot north on Broad Street, west on Asylum Avenue
c) Appeal delivered at Governor's mansion, 900 Prospect Avenue
WHEN: Wednesday, June 24th 2009
a) 4:30pm- Fellowship and allies gather at Minutemen Park
b) 4:45pm- Procession leaves Minutemen Park
c) 5:30pm- Appeal to Governor Rell, 900 Prospect
-Rabbi Stephen Fuchs, Congregation Beth Israel, 860-233-8215,
-Abraham Hernandez, Christian Coalition for Social Change, 203-444-2625,
-Deacon David Reynolds, Connecticut Catholic Conference, 860-524-7882,
The Interfaith Fellowship for Universal Health Care is a multiracial and multicultural group of religious leaders of diverse faith traditions from throughout Connecticut who have come together to fight for quality, affordable health care for everyone.
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