Saturday, February 12, 2011


Public Hearing on SustiNet
Joint Public Health, Insurance, and Human Services Committees)

WHEN: Monday, February 14th at 1:00 pm* (come when you can for as long as you can).
*The Interfaith Fellowship for Universal Health Care will meet at 12:00 pm in Room #2200

WHERE: The Legislative Office Building, 300 Capitol Ave, Hartford

WHY: Because we have put up with a cruel, confusing, unsustainable, racist system for too long. We have a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to create positive, lasting change in the lives of hundreds of thousands of people in CT, while showing the nation that we won't go back on health care reform!
"Of all the forms of inequality, injustice in health care is the most shocking and inhumane," -Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr

This is the moment we've been praying and fighting for: SustiNet (Connecticut's answer to universal health care and the nation's best shot at a public option) legislation has been introduced in the House of Representatives and we need YOUR support to move it forward. Stand with hundreds of allies at the Public Hearing.

It is thanks to you and other Leaders in this movement that we have this historic opportunity to create a health care system that is accessible, equitable, cost-effective, and sustainable; that is focused on care rather than denial, exclusion, and profit at the expense of people's health and well-being. We have elected and developed many legislative allies, but we also face a powerful foe: the insurance industry.

People across the country are watching CT to see how this will play out. The outcome will significantly alter the debate on health care reform and impact the direction federal reform takes -for good or ill. For that reason and a million others we need YOU to stand up and support healthcare4every1. It's now or never - and we can't afford to squander this historic opportunity. Too many lives are at stake.

Make this Valentine's Day, count - show some love for a cause that truly matters, a cause who's time has finally come. To testify on behalf of SustiNet, or for more information please contact us right away:, 203.710.1084 -or-, 860.805.3926
Posted by Tom Connolly

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