Tuesday, February 22, 2011

A New Generation of Dreamers


37th Annual African American History Month Celebration
Hosted by the People's World
Sunday, February 27 · 4:00pm - 6:00pm
People's Center, 37 Howe Street, New Haven
A New Generation of Dreamers
Freedom Rides Yesterday - Freedom Rides Today

Our 37th Annual African American History Month Celebration takes place 50 years after the Freedom Rides by young people who traveled from the North to desegregate the South. They were beaten and jailed but they did not turn back. Their courage helped win passage of the Civil Rights and Voting Rights Acts. Today we face new challenges of racism and violence and a new movement for equality and social justice is coming forward. "A New Generation of Dreamers. Freedom Rides Yesterday - Freedom Rides Today" is the theme of this year's celebration hosted by the People's World.

A panel discussion will feature Lula White, a retired New Haven teacher, who participated in the Freedom Rides from Chicago while attending college; New Haven high school student Kendra Streater and Hartford high school student Vyctoria Viera, immigrant rights activist and union leader Ricardo Henriquez and State Representative Gary Holder-Winfield.

Prizes and recognition certificates will be awarded to participants in the high school arts and writing competition, "How can we build on The Dream for ourselves and the next generation?"

Drumming will be performed by Brian Jarawa Gray.

Children's posters drawn on Martin Luther King's birthday at the Peabody Museum will be on exhibit.

The program will conclude with a light buffet.
Tickets are $5 or what you can afford.

This event marks the opening of the 2011 People's World fund drive in Connecticut. Your contribution toward the $2,000 goal for this event and your free subscription to the daily on-line format at peoplesworld.org will be an excellent way to keep up to date with the latest developments and opinions in the struggle for equality,
worker's rights and democratic rights, peace and social change.

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