Friday, March 11, 2011


The following is a letter from Working Families Party.

Dear friends,

A few weeks back, Working Families members participated in a major rally outside the Bank of America in downtown Hartford, along with hundreds of friends and allies. The point of the rally was that in addition to a shockingly bad record of small business lending, it turns out Bank of America paid nothing in corporate taxes to the State of Connecticut last year.

It’s astonishing. And whatever you might think about the Governor’s proposed budget, one thing is clear: if the average citizen is paying more in taxes than the Bank of America, something is wrong with this picture.

The Governor has called for shared sacrifice to help close our budget deficit. We agree. And we think it’s time for big banks and other multi-national companies to make sacrifices too and start paying their fair share of taxes.

Tomorrow, Saturday March 12th, we're bringing rallies to Bank of America branches all around the state. I hope you'll come to one near you. [NOTE: ALL DEMOS WILL START AT 10 AM AND GO FOR ABOUT ONE HOUR -- MAKE A SIGN IF YOU WISH.]

New Haven: Long Wharf branch, 250 Sargent Drive (map)
Middletown: Main Street branch, 267 Main Street (map)
Norwich: Route 82 branch, 590 West Main Street (map)
Bridgeport: North End branch, 2500 Main Street (map)
Waterbury: Chase & Cooke branch, 992 Cooke Street (map)

Please join us. The incredible demonstrations we’ve witnessed in Wisconsin should be an inspiration to all of us. It’s time to stand up and make our voices heard here in Connecticut as well.


-Jon Green
Executive Director
CT Working Families

Posted by Tom Connolly

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