Monday, April 11, 2011

We Are One - Workers' Rights are Human Rights

Building on the grass roots "We are One" organizing of labor and community, public and private sector workers, employed and unemployed in solidarity with each other, this years' People's World May Day celebration will honor the public workers in Connecticut, their unions and the services they provide.

The theme, "Workers Rights are Human Rights" highlights the coming together in our state and nation against attacks on public sector workers and all workers in the name of budget deficits. No layoffs of workers or cuts in services would be needed if the super rich were taxed their fair share. Monies used to fund the wars could close all state budget gaps in the country.

Newsmaker awards will be presented on Sunday, May 1 at 4:00 pm at 37 Howe Street, New the coalition of state worker unions, SEBAC, for leadership on behalf of the needs of Connecticut's working people; and to Communications Workers CWA Local 1298 for standing up to AT&T in last year's negotiations, and building worker solidarity.

A solidarity recognition will be presented to 1199 health care workers at Spectrum, now on strike for one year.

A panel discussion will address the attempt to turn back all gains, and project how the labor movement and working people can move forward. Videos of the huge rallies in Egypt and Wisconsin for workers rights and in New Haven on March 30 will be shown.

Puerto Rican singer Fernando Ferrer, rap group The UNION, and poet Sabir Abdussabur will perform. A home made buffet will be served. Suggested donation is $5 or what you can afford.

The event caps off a full day of May 1 activities, including an immigrant rights march and May Day program on the Green in New Haven, and a workers' rights rally by the Building Trades in Hartford.

Contributions will be accepted for the 2011 fund drive of the People's World in Connecticut. To receive headlines by e-mail sign up at For event information call 203-624-8664.

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