Unfortunately, they have been on strike for one year. On strike for one year when all you want to do is do your job. Every other nursing home company in Connecticut reached agreements with 1199 a long time ago. But one company, Spectrum, decided it was more important to put patients at risk than it was to settle a contract with dedicated professionals. The One Year in Struggle solidarity rally will be Saturday, April 16 at the Park Place Health Center (5 Greenwood Street in Hartford) at 10 AM.
MONDAY APRIL 18 - PROTEST CORPORATE TAX DODGERS ON TAX DAY- 4:30 PM - Bank of America in West Hartford (Corner of South Mains Street and Farmington Ave.) Sponsored by MoveON. -- While vital government services get cut, corporations like Bank of America and GE are making huge profits, but paying no federal tax.
WEDNESDAY APRIL 27 - GET ON BOARD FOR SUSTINET - 6:00 PM - Hartford Train Station, 1 Union Place, Hartford, CT - Sponsored by healthcare4every1.org. -- SustiNet is Connecticut's health care reform law that is will be voted on by our state legislators.
THURSDAY APRIL 28 - WORKERS MEMORIAL DAY - 12 Noon - State Capitol North Steps (Rain or Shine) -- Join the Connecticut AFL-CIO & the Health and Safety Committee to honor the men and women who were injured or killed on the job.
CONNECTICUT WORKERS' RIGHTS RALLY - 1-3 PM (Rain or Shine) - Bushnell Park, Hartford, CT - Sponsored by a coalition of unions. --Be sure to join thousands of Connecticut workers on this historic day as we show strength for all workers and our rights. Presently, there is a national assault on the average union worker! We need to send a message to our elected officials and the general public that all workers and their families are looking for is fair pay and fair benefits.
WORKERS RIGHTS ARE HUMAN RIGHTS! - 4 PM - People's Center, 37 Howe Street, New Haven, CT - Hosted by the People's World in Connecticut. -- The program will be honoring the public service workers in Connecticut, their unions and the services they provide. The Newsmaker Awards and panel discussion includes: SEBAC (the state workers unions) - CWA Local 1298 (Workers at AT&T) and solidarity recognition of 1199 Spectrum nursing home workers on strike for one year. Home made light supper will be served.
Posted by Tom Connolly
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