Saturday, October 14, 2017

People's World Amistad Awards 2017 RESISTING Together So We Can Move FORWARD

This year's People's World Amistad Awards are dedicated to "Resisting Together So We Can Move Forward". The event will take place on Saturday, December 9, 2017 at 4:00 pm at the First and Summerfield United Methodist Church, 425 College St, New Haven.
We are excited to announce this year's awardees Peggy Buchanan, Rep. Robyn Porter, and Camila and Carolina Bortolleto. All are on the front lines of resisting the policies of white supremacy, hate, division and fear that threaten democracy and our future. All are fierce warriors in the forefront of demanding priorities for workers' rights, peace and equality that put people and planet before profits.
The Awards will take place on Saturday, December 9 at 4 pm at the First and Summerfield United Methodist Church at 425 College Street, New Haven. Marco Reyes took sanctuary there in July to resist deportation and separation from his family. The event will pay tribute to the Reyes family and Unidad Latina en Accion. The Unions at Yale have their offices at the church. The event will pay tribute to the ongoing struggle of Unite Here Local 33 for union recognition and a contract.
We invite you to place an ad in the greeting book and take a bloc of tickets to honor the awardees and the occasion. The ad deadline is November 17, 2017. Greeting book and ticket information is on the back of this letter.
Peggy Buchanan is Connecticut AFL CIO campaign manager and former president, Greater Hartford Labor Council who has dedicated her life to solidarity and organizing workers on the job, in the community and to run for public office.
Rep. Robyn Porter represents the 94th District and co-chairs the Labor Committee in the Connecticut General Assembly where she leads for social justice, equality and workers' rights as an elected official and at the grass roots
Camila and Carolina Bortolleto are courageous twins who co-founded CT Students For a Dream which has become a statewide voice and organization of youth "undocumented and unafraid" and organizes for the rights of all immigrants.
The annual Awards are presented to allies by the Connecticut People's World Committee on the occasion of the 98th anniversary of the Communist Party USA. We come together in hope and unity as increased economic and racial inequalities, climate change and war give rise to new organizing by youth, low-wage workers and the 99% toward a society that puts people and planet before corporate profits.
In Solidarity,

People's World Amistad Awards Committee

People's World Amistad Awards Committee 203-624-4254
37 Howe Street, New Haven Connecticut 06511

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