by Joelle Fishman
MASHANTUCKET, Conn. -- Solidarity and
organizing were at the top of the agenda at the Connecticut AFL-CIO
convention last week. Turning anger into an action plan, the
delegates geared up to "move forward together," and reverse
the assault on public sector unions and all workers.
"Like a diamond we are indomitable
and enduring," said President Lori Pelletier of the union
federation which was founded 60 years ago. Bucking the national
trend, "union density in Connecticut increased from 15% to 17.5
in the past two years," she said calling for the 200,000 union
members in the state to "go house to house on the issues, and
use our union power in the next legislative session."
Connecticut has been a prime target for
the Koch brothers and right-wing groups like the Yankee Institute who
are pushing forcefully in the state legislature to limit the
bargaining rights of state workers. As well, unions have been
preparing for the possibility of a Supreme Court ruling that would
prohibit automatic dues collection from members and create a
"right-to-work" (for less) nation.
Delegates listened intently as MaryBe
McMillan, president of the North Carolina AFL CIO told of the
difficult conditions for unions in her "right-to-work"
state. but also of the struggles being waged and victories being won
by workers at Smithfield Packing and Duke University.
"Right to work can never mean
right to surrender," she said. "Our movement fundamentally
cries of hope." Calling for solidarity with southern
organizing, she exclaimed, "If we want to get working people
ahead anywhere, we have to organize the South."
Welcoming the growing solidarity she
sees between Black, brown and white workers in North Carolina
McMillian said "we have to rise up and show working people it's
the union movement that's on their side."
Elaborating on the theme of solidarity,
Fred Redmond, a national leader of United Steel Workers and the
Coalition of Black Trade Unionists, addressed the question "where
do we go from here?"
"The economic goals of labor are
intertwined with our social goals. Our struggles are won by
solidarity, a united front, marching hand in hand," he
reiterated, quoting Pope Francis that "there is no just society
without unions" which lift up the unemployed and hungry.
Redmond traveled the country as chair
of the AFL-CIO Labor Commission on Racial and Economic Justice, which
held six meetings from July, 2015 to March 2016. The Commission, on
which Pelletier also served, was formed after Michael Brown was
killed in Ferguson. "A union brother (on the police force)
killed the son of a union mother," said Redmond.
"We can't let race be used to
divide and defeat us," he said quoting Martin Luther King Jr
that "where there is a labor baiter, there is a race hater."
He called on the delegates to support policing reform and the other
recommendations in the Commission
report, concluding, "United we rise. Divided we fail."
DeMaurice Smith, executive director of
the NFL Players Association, continued the theme of confronting
racism to achieve unity. As he approached the podium the convention
welcomed him with a prolonged standing ovation, in recognition of the
courage of the players who have been under attack from Trump.
Having just visited 32 teams in ten
weeks, Smith concluded that "the best conversations about race
class, inequality and injustice are taking place in locker rooms. In
their decision not to shut up the players are exercising their right,
and operating because of duty." He recounted that on Sunday the
players had joined arms before the National Anthem was ever
announced, and yet they were booed. "This shows it's not about
the Anthem," he said.
Applauding the players' courage in
taking a stand, Smith asked, "If you can use players to sell
shoes why can't you use players to inspire kids for liberty and
justice for all?" As a union, he said, "our job is to
teach and inspire. Our duty is to preach that we are all in this
Delegates adopted 17 resolutions,
including one to "Combat White Supremacist Terrorism,"
which resolved to "partner with and support other groups,
elected officials and individuals standing against hate groups and
white supremacy."
Two resolutions addressing the
immigration crisis were adopted, one in support of the Dreamers and
DACA, and another in opposition to deportations and in support of
comprehensive immigration reform.
The second resolution decries the
"culture of fear that emboldens employers to exploit workers,
regardless of status, and retaliate against any form of collective
action at the worksite," and resolves to "educate our
members about the damaging impact of these deportations on the
Liz Shuler, Secretary-Treasurer of the
AFL-CIO, who was scheduled to address the convention in person, had
been called to Puerto Rico as part of the emergency relief efforts
including many teamsters, nurses and other professional union
members. She spoke via video with a message to continue to organize,
outreach and win a good budget in Connecticut.
Delegates and their affiliates
participated in a convention collection for relief and rebuilding
Puerto Rico.
A resolution to work to address climate
change resolved to continue "taking a central role in local
efforts to address climate change so that we make the planet a
healthy place to live and create good paying jobs."
Speaking on behalf of the Roundtable on
Climate and Jobs, John Harrity, president of the State Council of
Machinists, said "this is the most crucial issue facing all of
us for the rest of our lives. Labor needs to be in the forefront."
Other resolutions addressed pension
security, upheld the right to organize, and rejected attacks on the
Affordable Care Act while recommitting "to educate and mobilize
in order to achieve health care for all through the creation of a
universal, comprehensive single-payer system."
During the three day convention held at
Pequot Towers, delegates attended lunch time workshops, and a
breakfast celebrating organizing victories. A fundraiser for the
United Labor Agency highlighted their programs to assist workers in
need, provide backpacks to school children, and offer apprenticeship
programs for women in the trades.
Tim Wheeler, former editor of People's
World, came to the convention as part of his book tour and signed
copies of "News from Rain Shadow Country."
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