Thursday, November 30, 2017

March Demands A Clean Dream Act This Year

Students, union members, immigrant rights activists and residents from across Connecticut rallied and marched in New Haven last week demanding a "clean dream act and protection of all immigrants."

The rally was part of a national day of action for the protection and dignity of all immigrant communities, two months after the Trump administration canceled the DACA program,  a temporary program that gave some undocumented immigrant youth a work permit and safety from deportation. The administration is now trying to add anti-immigrant policies including a border wall to legislation before Congress that would restore DACA.

Initiated by Connecticut Students for a Dream, the rally brought people together to demand that Congress enact a clean dream act that does not criminalize or hurt immigrant communities.

The rally began at the First and Summerfield United Methodist Church where Marco Reyes has been in sanctuary since July, and stood in solidarity with Reyes and Sujitno Sajuti currently in sanctuary in Meriden at the Unitarian Universalist Church.

"Today, immigrant youth and allies are reclaiming our dignity. This is our home and we are HereToStay!" was the message of the day.

Passing cars honked in support as the rally turned into a march, stopping at the courthouse and then marching to City Hall where more speeches were given to emphasize that the immigrant community is not alone and that New Haven will not be moved or bullied from being a sanctuary city.

Social media was used to tell the leaders of the House and Senate that a clean dream act must be passed before the end of this year.

Camila and Carolina Bortolleto, founders of Connecticut Students for a Dream, will receive a People's World Amistad Award for their leadership on Saturday, December 9 at 4 pm at the same church, 425 College Street, Resisting Together so we can Move Forward. Recognition will be given to the Reyes family and also to Local 33 Unite Here graduate teachers at Yale.

Also receiving Amistad Awards will be State Rep. Robyn Porter and labor leader Peggy Buchanan, campaign manager for CT AFL CIO. Tickets are $10. For information e-mail or visit the event site on Facebook.

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