Sunday, December 22, 2019

People's World Amistad Awards Inspire Action

Electricity was in the air at New Haven City Hall as seats throughout the long Atrium filled up for the People's World Amistad Awards hosted on the 100th anniverary of the Communist Party. A rousing procession of African drums and dancers opened the program.

Standing ovations, applause and singing punctuated speakers and performers as they addressed the theme "Rise Up - Unite 2020. People and Planet before Profits."

"With so much evidence to suggest backsliding on issues and ideals that are critically important to us, there’s no question but that the time to, “rise up and unite” is now – in 2020." said Mayor Toni Harp, a former Awardee, welcoming everyone to City Hall.

Students at Wilbur Cross High School rallying to end ICE incarceration of classmate Mario Aguilar were recognized. Cosobi Mendoza, age 13, wowed the audience with several guitar selections.

Awardees inspired the crowd as they spoke passionately about their vision.

Rochelle Palache, political director of 32 BJ SEIU, declaring the right of all workers to decent wages and benefits, called for support of building cleaners who voted unanimously to strike if they don't get a contract by January 1.

John Humphries, director of the Connecticut Roundtable on Climate and Jobs, issued a grim warning about climate change and called for an urgent, collective response that prioritizes jobs and social justice.

Ken Suzuki, secretary treasurer of Local 34 UNITE HERE, helped create the pipeline to Yale jobs from Black and Latino neighborhoods. He told how he was convinced to help organize and lead his union.

After Jill Marks and the Movement Band got everyone singing "Rise Up", a special recognition was presented to Joelle Fishman for 50 years of leadership with the Communist Party USA.

Surrounded by a diverse group, she recounted highlights of the last 50 years of organizing unity and solidarity in Connecticut.

"As we build a growing resistance to defeat cruel and vicious Trumpism the "triple evils" of capitalism described by Martin Luther King Jr -- greed, racism and militarism -- are in clear view for everyone to see. It's time for something better. People around the world are rising up for their own destiny.

"Yes, the Communist Party agrees that socialism's time has come. Those who create the wealth should decide the priorities."

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