Mayor Toni N. Harp Welcome Remarks
And I’m delighted to be
among you for the 2019 People's World Amistad Awards ceremony.
From the outset, I’m
struck by the theme for this year: “Rise Up – Unite 2020.”
With so much evidence to
suggest backsliding on issues and ideals that are critically
important to us, there’s no question but that the time to, “rise
up and unite” is now – in 2020.
In this nation at this
hour, we face an uphill struggle to re-purpose grossly exaggerated
military spending for desperately needed social services, jobs
programs, and infrastructure maintenance.
In this nation at this
hour, we face a fierce struggle to retain workers’ rights, even as
the promise of labor unions and collective bargaining erodes right
before our eyes.
In this nation at this
hour, the promise of the United States is not only denied to more and
more would-be immigrants, who simply seek a peaceful, productive
life, but they’re denied, and the people humiliated, with families
separated and children literally kept in cages.
And in this nation at this
hour the global climate on the only planet we have is deteriorating
measurably, and – unbelievably – the discussion is somehow still
about whether it’s even happening, and not about how to reverse
what is the very definition of unsustainable.
As if this isn’t enough
to worry about, we now face a Constitutional crisis, wherein a
President has hoodwinked a major political party to overlook a
laundry list of egregious behavior in the name of loyalty or worse:
fear of retribution.
To effectively repel this
multi-faceted affront on the ideals that unite us, we must – simply
– rise up and unite.
We must restore people to
their proper place before profits, we must prioritize our common good
ahead of personal gain, and we must convince others to join us in
this collective effort for the good of the planet – and for the
good of all that depends upon it.
The three award-winners we
celebrate at this gathering are leading the way in the work they do –
and in the way they do their work.
It’s important for them
to be recognized for this – not to feather their nest, in a manner
of speaking – but to hold their manner up so it is emulated,
imitated, and serves to inspire the rest of us.
I offer sincere
congratulations to the award winners, I thank them for their labors,
and I pray their work motivates others, and is multiplied one
hundredfold in all of us as we rise up – and unite.
Congratulations again.
Thank you very much.
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