Wednesday, April 19, 2023

Demands grow for a Moral Budget as Caregivers Take a Strike Vote

As state legislators debate spending priorities, a surge of activism is targeting demands for a moral budget with equity to meet the needs of public education, affordable housing, living wage jobs and climate action.

Long term care givers rallied at the capitol on Wednesday with the Recovery for All coalition. demanding $25 an hour minimum wage, affordable health insurance, paid time off and pension funding. The 2,000 members of 1199 are taking a strike vote across the state this week.

Mostly women of color working in group homes, nursing homes, and home care, they braved some of the deadliest and most stressful conditions at the peak of the COVID-19 pandemic.

I’m 55 years old.  I’ve cared for others who can’t live independently for nearly two decades. And yet I have almost nothing to show for it: no paid time off, no savings for retirement, no health insurance,” said Rose Folsom, a personal care attendant.  “We’re simply asking for the same rights and freedoms that all people deserve: the ability to contribute to a greater good and be able to pay our bills."

The union caregivers are callimg for an additional $390 million in Medicaid funding in the budget. Rob Baril, SEIU 1199 president, emphasized there is plenty of public funding available to lift long-term caregivers out of poverty, while also funding state colleges paraprofessionals and other state services that provide equity and economic justice across the state.

The day before, teachers, paraprofessionals and students held a tax day rally in New Haven with Recovery for All calling for increased funding for public education. They demanded tax equity and fixing the upside down tax system in this state where billionaires pay the smallest percentage of income in taxes leaving funding for social services unmet.

The call for A Moral Budget – Equity Can't Wait will be the theme of a major demonstration at the State Capitol on May 17 as lawmakers continue to deliberate.

Leading up to the rally at the capitol, the People's World is hosting an event on May 7 at 4 pm at the New Haven Peoples Center, “International Workers Day 2023: Organize Now for a Just and Peaceful Future.” For information 203 624 8664.

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