Wednesday, April 12, 2023

'Housing is a Human Right” program calls for emergency action

A 10 point emergency housing program, “Housing is a Human Right,” has been issued by the Connecticut Communist Party as homelessness increased for the first time in ten years and 68% of workers spend more than half their monthly income on housing. The crisis exposes how the for-profit housing system cannot provide for people's needs, the program concludes.

“Housing is a Human Right” emerges from the multi-racial united front of workers and their unions, civil rights, community, faith, youth and senior organizations pushing back against the inhumane and insatiable greed of corporate property owners and financiers

After analyzing the conditions faced by workers in Connecticut, the program calls on state and local government to adopt the following emergency ten point program:

  1. Immediately declare a state of emergency and continue and expand all protections against evictions and foreclosures put in place during the Pandemic.

  1. Enact a 2.5% annual rent cap, coupled with rules preventing rent increases from one tenant to the next and a prohibition on no-cause evictions.

  1. Eliminate systemic inequalities and discrimination; enforce anti-discrimination laws against redlining and other harmful practices by large landlords and lenders; require municipal zoning laws that allow for multi-family and affordable housing units; enact rules that seal eviction and foreclosure records so landlords cannot use that information to discriminate against tenants who enforce their rights.

  1. Require representative fair rent commissions in all municipalities and give standing to tenant unions before those commissions; defend the right to organize tenant unions and enact rules that require the recognition of those unions by their landlords.

  1. Allocate sufficient resources to expand the Right to Counsel program to cover every municipality in the state.

  1. Expand state and federal rental assistance for low- and moderate-income households,including for the unhoused.

  1. Enforce equal protection from environmental and health hazards in housing.

  1. Increase real estate conveyance taxes and fees on the large investors buying up single family and rental properties and use those funds to create affordable units.

  1. Enact the comprehensive Equity Agenda put forth by Recovery for All to tax the rich and provide relief to renters and homeowners..

  1. Make a historic national public investment in affordable housing by reallocating funds from the excessive military budget to our communities as part of a just transition to a green, peace economy.

The full program is available online at:

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