Save HUSKY-A! Don't balance the budget on the backs of CT's poor & working families!
The Affordable Care Act will make health coverage available to hundreds of thousands of Connecticut residents. But in Governor Malloy's budget proposal, 37,500* parents who now get comprehensive health care through HUSKY will lose it -- unless we act NOW.
We need our legislators to stand up and defend HUSKY health care. Act now, tell your legislators:
We need our legislators to stand up and defend HUSKY health care. Act now, tell your legislators:
- Health Reform is supposed to be about more people getting better health care,
- NOT about eliminating coverage and making more people uninsured.
- Don't cut HUSKY parents!
1) Rally & meet with legislators at the Capitol
(We will get a quick briefing, do some human billboarding, and tell legislators how harmful the cuts would be).
Wednesday, May 22
12:00 p.m.
Legislative Office Building, Room 2D
(300 Capitol Ave, Hartford - free parking in garage at rear)
12:00 p.m.
Legislative Office Building, Room 2D
(300 Capitol Ave, Hartford - free parking in garage at rear)
2) Call your legislators TODAY
Ask your legislators to make sure their leaders support the Appropriations budget that includes funding for HUSKY parents. Decisions about the state budget are being made NOW. Find your legislators and how to reach them here.
House Democrats 1-800-842-8267, House Republicans 1-800-842-8270
Senate Democrats 1-800-842-1420, Senate Republicans 1-800-842-1421
Governor's Office 1-800-406-1527
Remember: We're all better off when more of us have good coverage to keep us healthy.House Democrats 1-800-842-8267, House Republicans 1-800-842-8270
Senate Democrats 1-800-842-1420, Senate Republicans 1-800-842-1421
Governor's Office 1-800-406-1527
Thank you!
The Governor's proposal will leave HUSKY parents to seek coverage from private insurance companies on the new health care exchange - and many will wind up uninsured. HUSKY families live on very limited budgets, juggling jobs, education and caring for children. They can't afford private insurance -even with subsidies offered through the Affordable Care Act!
- Studies say at least 25% of HUSKY parents will wind up uninsured.
- Those who DO enroll in private insurance will face new, significant co-pays and deductibles that will keep many them from getting the care they need.
- HUSKY parents will lose crucial benefits they rely on, such as mental health care, dental and vision care, and transportation to medical appointments.
- Children get better health care when their parents are on the same plan.
Posted by Tom Connolly
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